Monday, November 23, 2009

Sandra Johnson on Crazy Blogs

This blog is going to discuss a few things regarding the Internet antics of my estranged sister, Sandra Johnson. I really hate bringing her name up but she does nothing but force me to pay attention to her antics over the Internet. I intentionally joined her "crazy blogs" so I could put photos and comments on the account she created.

Here's the message I got an hour after I joined:

You have been suspended from Craziest Blogs
Sorry, Dee Gerrish, you can not access Craziest Blogs as you have been suspended. If you think you've been suspended in error, you can contact the administrator.

I find the above comical, because I knew she was going to delete me no sooner than I joined. I really just wanted her to know I knew what she was up to. Since 2006, Sandra Johnson ( @sfjohnson54) has stalked me across the Internet. She has created the NING account, Crazy Blogs , because she has copied every single blog and journal I've ever written and posted on the Internet. Not only has she copied all of my images and written content...she's gone so far as to file complaints on websites where my blogs and journals were posted; file a fictitious grievance claiming "harassment" (even when the blogs/journals didn't even mention her and had absolutely nothing to do with her); Got my accounts deleted; turned around and opened NEW accounts on multiple websites and then re posted MY content and my images. Now to ME....THAT'S CRAZY!

The above photo is a clear example of HARASSMENT at the finger tips of this individual. The image, from left to right, is my mother...ME...MY ex sister in law. The image was taken when my son was approx. three years old. My mother, children and I drove to Georgia to visit my brother who was living there at the time with my father. We decided to take a tour of a historical, confederate park while we were there. The image above was taken by my brother using my 35 mm canon camera. I know for a fact he use my camera to take this image because I have about 50 other images of our outing and he broke my camera's switch to continue taking more photos later that same day. I never did get the camera fixed and instead, purchased a new one some years later.

The image above was placed on my original photobucket account. I say "original" because it is still my account...I have since removed all of my personal photos because I discovered in 2006 that Sandra Johnson was copying my material and images. She was photo-shopping my images and placing very derogatory comments on the images. Because of this, HER original photobucket account was suspended. She then did the same thing on webshots...she was suspended there as well. This year, she placed my personal photos on her flickr account so that was suspended by yahoo, inc. I've noticed she has placed family photos on her twitpic and twitgoo accounts as well as my own personal images. The ridiculous point I'm making is that she splashed her name across MY images and put a fake copyright watermark on the you see above!

Sandra Johnson's antics are nothing more than a game to her. She is obviously bored with her life because she can't stay out of mine. The problem? She's supposedly taking care of my mother, who has dementia. She's probably stuck her in another far away nursing home like she did on September 5th, 2009. When I found out, I tried to get my mother out of the nursing home...but when Mrs. Johnson caught wind that my mother asked me to get her out, she flew into a rage and drove straight away to the nursing home and yanked my mother out of there. She's now a virtual prisoner inside of the home of Mrs. Johnson.

Her existence upon the Internet would be no more if it were not for her fixation and obsession with me as a person. I've personally told her she is obviously without talent as a writer, because she created an account on NING for the very purpose of adding the very blogs and articles I wrote and of which she copied. As an example of how absurd her claim is regarding harassment, take a look at the blog regarding Death and cremation, etc; I wrote that blog Aug. 11, 2008. It was a time when my husband and I were putting our estate together and making plans for burial when the time comes that we will exist no more here on this planet. I wrote that blog on my original MY SPACE account. Sandra Johnson filed a claim with MY SPACE and actually claimed that blog "harassed" her. How? I am still puzzled! On her NING account that she just recently opened, she is using NING to now re post MY blogs and content that I personally wrote. For some reason, this woman feels that she is entitled to copy the works of other people...get their "works" deleted and then turn around and put it back on the Internet under her name. She has done this with my photos. Photo shopping them and making ridiculous claims that she somehow owns the rights to MY photos. She went a step further to claim she owns the rights to "family" photos! Pictures she never took. Pictures that SHE was in as a young child. Photos that She stole from my mother's collection of old pictures when she conned my mother into giving her a durable power of attorney.

For some reason, this individual feels the need to flaunt my mother's belongings in my face over the Internet. Instead of being a care giver to my mother..she spends all of her time figuring out how she's going to piss me off next. She simply can't come to grips with the fact that when my mother passes away, there is going to be hell to pay. One way or the other. The things she has been doing towards my mother is going to come back and slap her in the face when she gets a good dosage of reality.

My estranged sister makes every attempt to outmaneuver me at every turn by her demonic mastery. Plastering fabricated nonsense on various websites. Stalking me over the Internet at every chance. She is very jealous over my domination in the field of breeders. Why, I haven't a clue. My life, my postings, my content, my images, where I go, what I do and what I say is of no concern to her. Yet, it consumes her very being. She makes plenty of attempts to "silence" me over the Internet, but it is because she is afraid of the truth. In the end, she is inevitably going to get the blame, as well she should. She copies my blogs, my journals and my articles and then changes the context of the original works so that she can re post them. Then of course...AHA! She can say, "LOOK! SEE??!! I told you she was harassing me over the Internet!!!". That's not my style of writing. My style of writing is to write about truthful occurrences; things that have actually transpired and that continue to transpire. Mrs. Johnson's style of writing is to play victim; to lay blame. I'm sorry...but she's just not that important of a person. The only reason I must even mention her name is because she continues a smear campaign all over the Internet highway regarding me as a person and my business.
She continues to steal my images; my content; She plots her revenge every single waking minute of every waking hour.

My estranged sister has proven once and for all that she's loopy, disturbed, pretty half-witted and ought to be locked up. Her ghastly claims over the Internet are over the top and outrageous...laughable at best. If one were to believe this crazy woman, we would already be in a court room battling it out. But alas, she knows she would not prevail which is why she continues to hide behind her computer doing nothing more than putting a spin on reality.

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