Monday, November 23, 2009

Sandra Johnson on Crazy Blogs

This blog is going to discuss a few things regarding the Internet antics of my estranged sister, Sandra Johnson. I really hate bringing her name up but she does nothing but force me to pay attention to her antics over the Internet. I intentionally joined her "crazy blogs" so I could put photos and comments on the account she created.

Here's the message I got an hour after I joined:

You have been suspended from Craziest Blogs
Sorry, Dee Gerrish, you can not access Craziest Blogs as you have been suspended. If you think you've been suspended in error, you can contact the administrator.

I find the above comical, because I knew she was going to delete me no sooner than I joined. I really just wanted her to know I knew what she was up to. Since 2006, Sandra Johnson ( @sfjohnson54) has stalked me across the Internet. She has created the NING account, Crazy Blogs , because she has copied every single blog and journal I've ever written and posted on the Internet. Not only has she copied all of my images and written content...she's gone so far as to file complaints on websites where my blogs and journals were posted; file a fictitious grievance claiming "harassment" (even when the blogs/journals didn't even mention her and had absolutely nothing to do with her); Got my accounts deleted; turned around and opened NEW accounts on multiple websites and then re posted MY content and my images. Now to ME....THAT'S CRAZY!

The above photo is a clear example of HARASSMENT at the finger tips of this individual. The image, from left to right, is my mother...ME...MY ex sister in law. The image was taken when my son was approx. three years old. My mother, children and I drove to Georgia to visit my brother who was living there at the time with my father. We decided to take a tour of a historical, confederate park while we were there. The image above was taken by my brother using my 35 mm canon camera. I know for a fact he use my camera to take this image because I have about 50 other images of our outing and he broke my camera's switch to continue taking more photos later that same day. I never did get the camera fixed and instead, purchased a new one some years later.

The image above was placed on my original photobucket account. I say "original" because it is still my account...I have since removed all of my personal photos because I discovered in 2006 that Sandra Johnson was copying my material and images. She was photo-shopping my images and placing very derogatory comments on the images. Because of this, HER original photobucket account was suspended. She then did the same thing on webshots...she was suspended there as well. This year, she placed my personal photos on her flickr account so that was suspended by yahoo, inc. I've noticed she has placed family photos on her twitpic and twitgoo accounts as well as my own personal images. The ridiculous point I'm making is that she splashed her name across MY images and put a fake copyright watermark on the you see above!

Sandra Johnson's antics are nothing more than a game to her. She is obviously bored with her life because she can't stay out of mine. The problem? She's supposedly taking care of my mother, who has dementia. She's probably stuck her in another far away nursing home like she did on September 5th, 2009. When I found out, I tried to get my mother out of the nursing home...but when Mrs. Johnson caught wind that my mother asked me to get her out, she flew into a rage and drove straight away to the nursing home and yanked my mother out of there. She's now a virtual prisoner inside of the home of Mrs. Johnson.

Her existence upon the Internet would be no more if it were not for her fixation and obsession with me as a person. I've personally told her she is obviously without talent as a writer, because she created an account on NING for the very purpose of adding the very blogs and articles I wrote and of which she copied. As an example of how absurd her claim is regarding harassment, take a look at the blog regarding Death and cremation, etc; I wrote that blog Aug. 11, 2008. It was a time when my husband and I were putting our estate together and making plans for burial when the time comes that we will exist no more here on this planet. I wrote that blog on my original MY SPACE account. Sandra Johnson filed a claim with MY SPACE and actually claimed that blog "harassed" her. How? I am still puzzled! On her NING account that she just recently opened, she is using NING to now re post MY blogs and content that I personally wrote. For some reason, this woman feels that she is entitled to copy the works of other people...get their "works" deleted and then turn around and put it back on the Internet under her name. She has done this with my photos. Photo shopping them and making ridiculous claims that she somehow owns the rights to MY photos. She went a step further to claim she owns the rights to "family" photos! Pictures she never took. Pictures that SHE was in as a young child. Photos that She stole from my mother's collection of old pictures when she conned my mother into giving her a durable power of attorney.

For some reason, this individual feels the need to flaunt my mother's belongings in my face over the Internet. Instead of being a care giver to my mother..she spends all of her time figuring out how she's going to piss me off next. She simply can't come to grips with the fact that when my mother passes away, there is going to be hell to pay. One way or the other. The things she has been doing towards my mother is going to come back and slap her in the face when she gets a good dosage of reality.

My estranged sister makes every attempt to outmaneuver me at every turn by her demonic mastery. Plastering fabricated nonsense on various websites. Stalking me over the Internet at every chance. She is very jealous over my domination in the field of breeders. Why, I haven't a clue. My life, my postings, my content, my images, where I go, what I do and what I say is of no concern to her. Yet, it consumes her very being. She makes plenty of attempts to "silence" me over the Internet, but it is because she is afraid of the truth. In the end, she is inevitably going to get the blame, as well she should. She copies my blogs, my journals and my articles and then changes the context of the original works so that she can re post them. Then of course...AHA! She can say, "LOOK! SEE??!! I told you she was harassing me over the Internet!!!". That's not my style of writing. My style of writing is to write about truthful occurrences; things that have actually transpired and that continue to transpire. Mrs. Johnson's style of writing is to play victim; to lay blame. I'm sorry...but she's just not that important of a person. The only reason I must even mention her name is because she continues a smear campaign all over the Internet highway regarding me as a person and my business.
She continues to steal my images; my content; She plots her revenge every single waking minute of every waking hour.

My estranged sister has proven once and for all that she's loopy, disturbed, pretty half-witted and ought to be locked up. Her ghastly claims over the Internet are over the top and outrageous...laughable at best. If one were to believe this crazy woman, we would already be in a court room battling it out. But alas, she knows she would not prevail which is why she continues to hide behind her computer doing nothing more than putting a spin on reality.

Goldendoodle and other dog facts

Goldendoodle and other dog facts

When it comes to Goldendoodles, they are a dog that is now the most loved, adored and also the most misunderstood canine of all. For instance, did you know that there are 701 pure breed dogs and that the Border collie, Poodle and Golden retriever are claimed to be the smartest of dogs? I do not know why just these three breeds were listed because I am sure there are other smart breeds of dogs out there and the person behind the poll definitly didn't include the Goldendoodle! Fact 1: The Goldendoodle dog is highly intelligent.

Goldendoodle dogs also have a superior sense of hearing and smell, but of course when it comes to documented evidence, the bloodhound is so trustworthy that it is the only dog whose evidence is admissible even in court of law in the United States! There are alot of Goldendoodle as well as other dog facts are very interesting. For instance, it is claimed that the Great Dane is the tallest of all dogs, while the Chihuahua is the smallest dog of all. But are they really? As a breeder of Goldendoodles since 1999, I know for a fact that one Goldendoodle we created some years ago turned into a 150 pound "small pony" ! And while it is claimed that the Chihuahua is the smallest dog, we own a tcup sized LhasaPoo (a different type of hybrid dog) who weighs three pounds or less and I've heard of some tcup Yorkies as well as Tcup Poodles weighing even less!

Goldendoodle dogs are usually very attached to their families. Some are even heroically so. Goldendoodles can even take care of their invalid or handicapped family members on a daily basis, if properly trained. Over the years, we've had some of our past customers train their Goldendoodle dogs as therapy dogs or assist dogs. Many rescue organizations and policing organizations use Golden Retrievers as well as other types of dogs as a part of their regular team. Some Golden Retrievers are used as narcotic dogs. While it is doubtful that a Goldendoodle can be used as a guard dog, I see no reason why they could not be trained as hunters, draught animals, drug and explosive detectors, and even as a dog who seeks out weapons.

In the Middle Ages, dogs wore spiky light armors and ran into the battle grounds to attack mounted knights. The Rottweiler was one such breed used in medieval battles. The German Shepherd dog has been used in the field with every day soldiers for many centuries. There are many fun facts regarding all dog types, but the Goldendoodle dog has not been around long enough to have a lot of facts written about them. The Goldendoodle dog was first known as a "Goldendoodle" sometime around 1997. This hybrid was first created by the Australians who were looking for a low shedding, low dander assist dog for those who had allergies. Goldendoodles in Australia are used for other purposes and make wonderful family pets for children of all ages. There are only three coat types for the Goldendoodle dog.

1. Shaggy.
2. Curly.
3. Smooth.

The Goldendoodle does not have any rare colors and actually can have markings anywhere on its body, of any color. The Goldendoodle dog also can have various eye colors such as brown, blue, green or multi colors. Since beginning our Goldendoodles in 1999, we have seen some Goldendoodles born with one green eye and one blue eyes or one brown eye and one blue eye. In 2010 we hope to create Duetche Kurzharr Doodles which is a German Shorthaired Pointer mixed with a Goldendoodle. Since we do have a sire with blue eyes and our German Shorthaired Pointer has lovely amber colored eyes and multiple freckles, we hope that we will see offspring coming out with not just lovely light colored eyes, but with spots and freckles. The German Shorthaired Pointer is extremely intelligent! Our own girl, Merry-Belle, is fascinated with squeeky toys and carries them all over the house. She loves to have someone hold a ball up in the air and anxiously awaits it to be tossed in her direction so that she can jump high up in the air to catch it.

Before purchasing any type of dog, you should attempt to learn all the important facts that pertain to the breed you wish to own. Many families make the mistake and hurry up to get a dog because their children have been insisting on having one. Many parents buckle under pressure. But the problem is, people who purchase a Goldendoodle under the assumption of knowing the facts, find out that the dog isn't for them. Sure enough, after the dog arrives home and the initial excitement has quieted down, the chore of actually taking care of the dog and molding its character begins. This is when the honeymoon is over and when most families realize that their Goldendoodle is really a bundle of work, like all dogs!

Children find out that the dog can't just let itself out to use the bathroom and many will gripe about having to constantly take their new dog out for bathroom breaks. Most of the chores of caring for a Goldendoodle or any dog for that matter usually falls to the parents after a few days. A puppy is cuddly and sweet until it poops or pees on the floor or has to be supervised at all times or when it howls and howls for attention from its human family. The Goldendoodle dog has become the most popular of hybrids because other dogs with long and short hair, shed profusely. Many people who buy a Goldendoodle are told by their breeder that the dog doesn't EVER shed and that they are "hypoallergenic". Imagine the family's horror when they realize that indeed their Goldendoodle dog sheds and not only does it shed, but it needs constant, regular care! This is just one example of how some doodle breeders try and use the "non shedding", "Hypoallergenic" key words to bring in a customer. An inexperienced breeder can lead someone to buy a Goldendoodle dog for the wrong reasons. Since 1999, we as breeders have watched the Goldendoodle hybrid go through 10-15 different coat changes. We know for a fact that the Goldendoodle dog does indeed shed. BUT, they shed like no other dog we've ever seen.

The Goldendoodle will lose a strand or two of hairs and not gobs of hair or clumps of hair. Unless your Goldendoodle has a hormonal imbalance, his or her coat is not going to just completely fall out. Unlike a dog with a double coat, the Goldendoodle dog has a single coat and sheds very, very little. As the Goldendoodle dog changes from a puppy to an adult, there will be coat changes and you may see its coat do the most shedding during this "growing up" phase. When the Goldendoodle dog turns a year of age, their owners will see the least shedding.

Goldendoodle facts become very important if you really want to understand your doodle. Knowing as much about your doodle dog will also help you with training. Some dogs are quick to learn, while others need more time. Regardless of breed, dogs are individuals and training needs to be specifically geared toward the individual dog itself and not by breed type or generalization. Just as human have their own unique way of responding to learning things, dogs are the same way. They are individuals just like we humans are. Most dogs respond well to rewards and praise, while a few breeds need firm commands and rigorous discipline. Goldendoodles do not learn well with negative training. Positive reinforcement works very well for getting your Goldendoodle to comply and respond to training commands. Some dogs like the Dalmatian, need a lot of exercise and are not very suitable to small living quarters, while others like the Poodle have a lot of grooming requirements. Shaggy and curly coat Goldendoodles have a high grooming requirement. All Goldendoodles, regardless of size, would do well indoors so long as he or she is taken for daily walks. Goldendoodles enjoy being where ever their human family members are. They are happy to run beside you if you are jogging or on your bicycle and they are just as happy to sleep at your feet if you are sitting down watching television. Goldendoodle dogs are snugglers. They usually are not independant dogs. They can become lonely if left for long periods of time without human companionship. Depending upon coat type, some Goldendoodles can tend to be barkers or high drive. It has been our own experience that the shaggy coat and smooth coat Goldendoodle has the best temperaments of all three coat types. The curly coat Goldendoodle can tend to pick up some of the quirkly traits of the Poodle. Those experienced with the Golden Retriever will want to stick with either the shaggy coat or the smooth coat Goldendoodle. Those experienced with the Poodle will want to stick with the curly coat Goldendoodle.

Many people believe that certain dogs inherit certain disorders like hip dysplasia and cataract based on breed type. Many people believe that some breeds are prone to getting fat if they are not exercised regularly. Genetic ailments can happen to any type of dog regardless of their breed and all dogs can become fat and lazy if they are over-fed and are lacking in exercise. Dogs who are inbred or backbred or come from a genetic bottle neck (lacking in a wide genetic gene pool) will be at a higher risk for having genetic ailments. Age also plays a direct role with health issues in dogs. It is not known why some dogs die from health issues and others can go through their entire lives not ever having a health issue. Just as people die from various types of health issues or just simply pass away in their sleep, dogs are very similar in this way. Goldendoodles who come from a first generation breeding seem to be the hardiest of dogs. Goldendoodles can be a long lived dog under ideal circumstances just as the Poodle is the longest lived dog of all dogs. Goldendoodles do not fall into size categories like purebred dogs. The Goldendoodle dog can be any size regardles of the sizes of their parents. The Goldendoodle's entire lineage plays a huge role in size determination as well as personality

One of the most important dog facts most overlooked by many is that every purebred has been originally created with a particular purpose in mind. While the Lhasa Apso was originally created as a palace guard dog, the Poodle was used for multiple purposes such as retrieving, swimming and just being a companion. The German Shorthaired Pointer makes a wonderful gun dog and many Rottweilers and German Shepherds or Doberman Pinschers make excellent guard dogs. Depending upon the history and lineage of your Goldendoodle, he or she may have a wonderful compilation of traits that would be suited for multiple tasks or would simply just make a wonderful house pet.

If you expect a breed of dog to completely forfeit its inherent tendencies and don a new mantle, you are asking for trouble. Never expect a Goldendoodle to guard you or your possessions and donĂ¢��t be surprised if your Pit Bull bristles with anger and ultimately attacks a stranger. Some traits are deeply rooted and instilled in particular breed types. With our own Goldendoodles, we do know that their lineage holds multiple companion dogs, Utility dogs, show dogs, Master Hunters as well as having a deeply rooted love for playing in the water. Training your Goldendoodle or entering them into obedience classes can help you to bring some discipline to your doodle as well as even enhance their natural tendencies. Training does not replace them.

Anyone deciding to purchase a shaggy or curly coat Goldendoodle must also need to learn basics in grooming unless you are going to have someone else groom the doodle. Being knowledgeable about the Goldendoodle will help you become a better doodle owner. Goldendoodles can participate in fun competition dog trials, even fun dog shows. Their are other important dog facts which also include a need to know such information like neutering, spaying, vaccinating and de-worming your doodle at regular intervals. You will want to have your vet place your Goldendoodle on a vaccination and deworming schedule and let your vet get to know your dog. It is also very important to know that owning a Goldendoodle as with any other type of dog can be expensive. Know before you buy, that you can afford the upkeep that your doodle will require.

In a nutshell, knowing your doodle facts will help you, the new doodle owner, to truly appreciate your Goldendoodle's uniqueness and will allow your doodle to happily spend its entire life with you.

**Author/breeder: Dee Gerrish.@2009.
**About the Author: Dee Gerrish as been a private, professional hobby breeder since 1996. Dee Gerrish has written extensively about the Goldendoodle dog since 1999. Visit her site at

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doodle, smoothcoat goldendoodle, goldendoodle care, adult goldendoodle personality, potty training + Goldendoodles

Goldendoodle and other dog facts by Dee Gerrish is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Bonding with your Goldendoodle

Bonding with your Goldendoodle

If you are a multiple dog owner, it will be your decision if you want your new puppy to bond more closely with you or the other dogs in the family. As a multiple dog owner and breeder, I want to create a Puppy that desires my companionship and attention more that any other animal or person. I want my puppies to watch my every movement looking for clues as to what we are going to do next or what is going on when I am around. I have accomplished this bonding process by not allowing my puppies access to my adult dogs once the pups have been weaned and by trying to be the most important person in their lives by spending as much time as possible with them....speaking to them and interacting with them quite frequently. I do allow my puppies supervised visits with our other puppies of similar ages, several times a day and for up to 1 - 2 hours each. It is very important that our puppies become social with each other and not damage their temperaments by attacking or bullying each other. No contact at all is better than contact that results in harm. This is why supervised interactions are important and this prevents any one puppy becoming the "alpha" in a group. Our puppies KNOW that I am the only alpha and NO means NO. I do socialize my puppies with our other puppies as much as possible. Again, this is supervised . True puppy obedience can only be accomplished by attending puppy kindergarten, however,

I do not recommend doing formalized puppy obedience classes at a young age unless it is totally non compulsive.

The reason for this is because you will want your puppy to be fully vaccinated in case another pup in the class is ill.

The best age for beginning obedience classes is approx. 12-14 weeks. Classes are sometimes held at your local YMCA or school.....sometimes your veterinarian will have information regarding puppy classes.

I also do not allow my puppies to have contact with unknown persons or dogs regardless of their owner’s assurance that their dog is social and that they have NOT previously visited other breeders or handled other puppies. Too many times in the past, we had customers show up and while holding our young puppy, claim they had just left the "Local animal shelter" or another breeder or a pet store. Sadly, this ill-begotten behavior of those who believe it necessary to handle MORE than one puppy just to "find their perfect family pet" can be very detrimental to a breeder’s young puppies. In 2004, We discovered that Goldendoodles do not always respond to certain puppy vaccinations and are not always fully protected if their immune system does not respond to a particular type of vaccine. After much discussion with the company that we purchase our puppy vaccines from, we switched our puppy vaccines to NEO-PAR and have had great success because this vaccine can be given to puppies as young as age 3 weeks. We also decided to stop allowing families to come into contact with any of our puppies...regardless of breed...during their puppy search, unless they had first submitted our puppy application and their payment for one of our puppies. Changing our policy and putting an end to allowing families to make their own puppy selection has greatly reduced the parvo issue for us and by sticking to a strict policy of absolute NO contact until the family is ready to come out and pick up their pre-paid puppy has kept our puppies from becoming ill from parvo and distemper thus far. Too many people who believe they must handle or come into contact with multiple puppies in order to make a puppy purchase are in total and absolute denial. One interaction with an ill dog or puppy can wreak havoc with a breeders' young puppies. We had some people say "Well, you DO vaccinate your puppies don't you? " Why YES...we DO! But one or two puppy vaccines does NOT fully protect a young pup and what that person who makes this statement doesn't realize is...AFTER you've handled a group of puppies just to make a selection of ONE, to take home, the others MUST RETURN INDOORS where other puppies are that are too young for puppy vaccines. Let the Naysayers say NAY....our puppies have stayed alive and well because of our strict change of policy. It is also important to know that it is very dangerous to bring YOUR dog to a breeder's home to "visit" with their young puppies. People who believe their dog is NOT other dog aggressive are also in denial. Older dogs can become jealous or protective of their owner and view a young pup as a threat. Even the calmest dog can turn aggressive towards a new young puppy.

A particularly aggressive dog could permanently disfigure or even kill your puppy. Our puppies who are too young to go outside, are raised indoors. If they are still with us when they are old enough to go outside, they are placed in a safe Kennel run with another puppy or pups their age and size. I bring a toy or treats and act delighted to have the puppy jump on me and greet them each and every time with enthusiasm. I pet , praise and create intense amounts of verbal and physical interaction. It is easy to see a puppy become excited when you change your tone to a higher pitch and speak to them in "baby" talk. I then may play chase, attention or retrieve games. When bonding with your Goldendoodle puppy, it is important that it is only you and the puppy and that this interaction is the highlight of the puppy’s day. When there are others in the home, such as children, one on one time is important with each child in a quiet room until the puppy is old enough to realize that more than one child is NOT a threat, but instead, a greater way to have fun!!! Take your puppy for plenty of walks, off leash if possible, in the park or woods. Again, ONLY after he or she has had all of their puppy vaccinations and especially their Kennel cough vaccine. If their attention lags, quickly run and hide behind a tree. You can use sounds....whistle....use a clicker or make silly sounds. When your Goldendoodle finds you, reward him or her with lots of praise and a nice, healthy treat.

The next time you hide, your puppy should find you more rapidly. Eventually your Goldendoodle puppy will always keep an eye on you so that you don’t escape. Teach your puppy to do play "retrieve" of a ball or bone. When the puppy returns with the toy, either trade him or her a treat for the object or throw another toy in the

opposite direction after he drops the first one. Do not create conflict by trying to take your puppy's toy with no reward. Doing this will cause your puppy to stop retrieving and to start teasing you with the toy and playing keep away. Play tug of war with your puppy but never get in your puppy's face and growl at her. If your puppy growls during play, reduce the level of the fight you are giving him or her so that they do not need to growl. Never allow your puppy to bite you in anger. This is very important!

A puppy allowed to do this becomes a dangerous adult that does not understand their place in this world. Do whatever is necessary to correct this behavior but do not go overboard and damage the puppy’s temperament. When having temperament issues, we always advise our customers to locate an "INHOME" canine trainer so that they can come into the home....observe the interactions of the family with their puppy or dog and this way they can help show the family what corrections are needed in order for everyone to get along and live happily together. Sometimes, a puppy owner will mistakenly believe their dog is aggressive when in fact, there is just a misunderstanding between puppy and owner that is correctable. If your puppy steals socks or other off-limits items, make him or her bring them to you and trade the sock for food or a yummy treat. If your puppy drops it en route, make him or her return to the item and pick it up. Then I say, (In an alpha voice) “trade" and make the exchange. Put the object in front of their face and say, “this is a phooey." Then put the forbidden object away and that is the end of it.

Never chase your puppy for stealing things or hit them. As the puppy becomes an adult, they will lose interest in these items because they did not receive negative attention and reinforcement for the undesirable behaviors. We do have house dogs in our home as well as outdoor dogs. However, time in the house is time spent with me, not the pack. Every dog that we own gets daily interaction from us and they look forward in seeing us as well as spending time with us. When I am taking a nap, my house dogs will know that it is time to lay down and all three will pile onto the bed in their respective places. None compete for attention because they know that they will get the attention and our outdoor dogs know that if any show jealousy or begin a spat with each other, that this is undesirable and they will be reprimanded for it. When your puppy is at least one year old, allow them to spend more time with your other dogs, if you own multiple dogs. However, if you have a dog in obedience classes,

continue to allow the dog very limited exposure to other dogs for the duration of their competitive classes.

In many animal-breeding programs the entire process of selection and management is founded on the belief that performance is inherited. Attempts to analyze the genetics of performance in a systematic way have involved some distinguished names such as Charles Darwin and Francis Galton. But it has only been in recent decades that good estimates of heritability of performance have been based on adequate data. Cunningham (1991) in his study of horses found that only by using Time form data, and measuring groups of half brothers and half sisters could good estimates of performance be determined. His data shows that performance for speed is about 35% heritable. In other words only about 35% of all the variation that is observed in track performance is controlled by heritable factors, the remaining 65% are attributable to other influences, such as training, management and nutrition. Cunningham's work while limited to horses provides a good basis for understanding how much breeders can attribute to the genetics and the pedigrees.

Researchers have studied this phenomena and have looked for new ways to stimulate individuals in order to improve their natural abilities. Some of the methods discovered have produced life long lasting effects. Today, many of the differences between individuals can now be explained by the use of early stimulation methods. More can be read regarding Early Neurological Stimulation over the internet.

Leadership is essential to our canine companions. It is important that your dog knows he can trust you to be the “leader." In times of stress or uncertainty a dog that defers to you is getting effective leadership. The leaders communicate a sense of safety and trust that make it clear to the dog that things are under control. It is important that the dog knows that his leader is capable of handling this role. If this is not clear a dog may decide to take charge himself. Many times confusion about leadership roles can lead to undesirable behavior and sometimes injury.

Leaders calmly Control the resources the dogs need, crave and enjoy . More can be learned about Leadership and your canine simply by signing your Goldendoodle puppy up for obedience school. Dog Training Tips and Puppy Training Resources are usually provided to new doodle owners when they begin puppy Kindergarten classes. Proper dog and puppy training is essential for every Goldendoodle, its owner and family. Training your Goldendoodle should absolutely be a top priority the moment you bring him or her home. Learn to train your dog using canine training tips, articles and basic puppy training advice through canine obedience classes so that both you and your Goldendoodle have a healthy and happy start!

*Author/breeder: Dee Gerrish of Goldendoodle World This article is copyright protected-1999. This blog or its images may not be reposted or redistributed without the expressed written permission by its author, Dee Gerrish.

Goldendoodle and other dog facts by Dee Gerrish is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Tags: about designer dogs, dee gerrish, goldendoodle world, bonding with your doodle, about dog bonding, training tips, dog advice, breeders, NC breeders + Dee Gerrish

Sunday, November 22, 2009


If cussing or foul lanquage offends you, then please stop here and go read the blog of someone else. I am a person who speaks their own mind and I just tell it like it is!
Let me introduce myself to those who haven't been following me around the world wide web since 1996. My name is Diane Gerrish and my friends call me Dee. I am so use to my friends calling me Dee that I do not even use the name, Diane. I am the mother to two sons. I am a grandmother to three lovely children who are growing like weeds as I write this. I am prior military and since getting out of the military in 1996, I've been a private, professional, hobby breeder for Golden Retriever and Goldendoodle dogs.

When I first began creating the Goldendoodle hybrid...and yes...I did say Create, not breed....I was the only breeder in the entire southern region of the United States who offered the Golden Retriever Poodle mix. This was in 1999. Prior to that, I bred Golden Retrievers and prior to that, I was a soldier with the United States Army stationed in Mannheim Germany.

In the beginning, there were many naysayers having a fit over the Goldendoodle dog's growing popularity. I received hate email and hateful messages on my answering machine from fanatic dog fanciers. Here we are in 2009 and many of those very same fanatics are now breeding Goldendoodles! Imagine that! Many people in the United States, back in 1999, had no idea what a Goldendoodle dog was or what the advantages were of owning one. Now that many people here in the USA do own them, the advantages are well known.

There was very little known about the Goldendoodle back in 1999. So I began to write what I knew. I photographed them; researched them; documented them and wrote about them. I then turned my website into a site exclusively for the Goldendoodle dog. My business was founded in 1996. It was essential that I learn how to run it. Prior to joining the military, I was a regional manager for a very large optical firm. So I brought to the table, as a breeder, many qualities. My love for writing also helped further my business by way of writing blogs and articles about the Goldendoodle dog.

As a budding breeder, I had to modify my routine and learn to let the negative comments roll away although I do admit in the beginning I had very thin skin. The comments bothered me. But I am now no longer bothered with what someone thinks I should or should not do as a breeder.......or what type of dog I should or should not create. A breeder needs to just focus on furthering their business and let the naysayers to go on and say NAY. As someone who is accustomed at leading, I have no reason to follow other breeders or care what it is they do with their dogs or breeding program. But once my Goldendoodle articles became popular, it seemed quite a few people cared about what it was I said, did and still do.
While many people only know me as a breeder, none know me as an individual. I've had many opportunities as a person in my fifties. I've shared many great moments with multiple people thus far. I grew up in a severely dysfunctional family unit as a child. I left home when I was 14 years old. Since leaving home, I seldomed returned. Only on occasion would I visit my mother. My father passed away in 1994. I was always much closer to my father than I was my mother. She was diagnosed with dementia in 2006. Only at that time I was not aware of it. I actually didn't find out about her diagnosis until the middle of 2008. Coincidentally, in 2006 an estranged sister had emailed me asking about my giving her a Goldendoodle. The story and saga is old and to me, quite worn out.

The Upstage Problem

Apparently my popularity as a Goldendoodle breeder is something my estranged older sister still can not quite comprehend or understand. For some reason, she became unraveled over my telling her she had to fill out my canine application that is on my website at ..... something to this day, I can not quite understand or comprehend. Many quality, reputable breeders have a canine application and many require a non refundable deposit. My estranged sister didn't even have to pay me for the dog. She was given the opportunity to come to my home to pick the dog up. She was given the opportunity to pay for my gas to bring the dog down to her in Florida. All I got in return was excuses. So she never got a dog from me. No application. No dog. This estranged sister has spent since 2006 posting very over the top, quite outrageous fabricated nonsense about me as a person and about my business, on as many websites as she possible still can. All out of spite. I've spent since 2006 blogging about her outrageous Internet antics. Her inability to show self restraint or self control became very obvious to me after reading the absurd things she would write about me over the Internet. Undeniably, I've watched this person self destruct and unravel over the world wide web!

Perhaps my impact in the world of Goldendoodles unnerves her. Our Goldendoodles' wattage has increased with every single passing year. Perhaps because she felt slighted and stung by my uncaring attitude about her personal problems is the reason she can not control her fixation and obsession of posting ridiculous lies and fabricated accusations over the internet. The one thing she can't accuse me of is show-boating over the internet. Because I discovered this individual has literally spent every waking moment finding website and forum after website and forum simply to bash me as a person and trash my business, she has forced me to continue to blog about personal issues that shouldn't even have to be discussed over the internet.
The interesting thing is that this very same woman that I am speaking about has gone so far as to have copied every single blog I've ever written since 2006, not to mention personal photos I had originally placed in my photobucket account. She has claimed "harassment" to the site owners where my blogs were located and even went so far as to get some of my accounts deleted simply because they got tired of the back and forth bickering and squabbling. The rift between us will never heal because she is, without a doubt, the most scheming vendictive and quite negative person I've ever had the displeasure of knowing.

The last few months both my cousin and I discovered that this estranged sister has been posting "family" photos of us when we were children and teenagers. Why, I have no idea. I highly doubt that anyone is interested in seeing old family photos of people that are not their family members. But during this discovery, it was also found that my estranged sister copied personal photos that belonged to me. Photos that were taken with my own camera many years ago. But the disturbing part is that she went so far as splash her personal name across my images including placing a fabricated copyright watermark on them. Photographs not taken with your own camera can not be legally copy right protected. The only individual who can copyright protect images is the person who took the images themselves, with their own camera. My estranged sister for some reason believes that because my mother has dementia and she obtained a box full of family photographs and took control of those photographs after obtaining an illegal durable power of attorney, that she somehow owns the "copyrights" to those images. She further copied a photograph that my husband took with our camera back in 1996...photoshopped it...then turned around and splashed her personal name across the photo along with a fake copyright watermark. I am not sure where she is obtaining her legal advice from, but she should stop paying the people with monopoly money!

For this estranged sister, there is no better aphrodisiac than to conduct herself in this manner over the internet. She had sent me an email awhile back stating matter of factly that she does these things because she knows it "pisses" me off. Perhaps this individual feels that the more material assets she acquires, the better it will make her feel. What I do know is that she can post whatever she wants over the internet, but her words will remain untruthful and her continued fabricated, absurd claims is not going to cause me to "close up shop". (Something in an email she had addressed to me.) Her grandious delusions will just remain to be that. Delusions.
Behind her facade of being a loving individual, she is deeply selfish and deeply disturbed. Since founding my business, Lake Ridge Kennel/Goldendoodle World, I've had great success in our dogs finding "forever" loving homes. We've so few ligitimate customer complaints that we can proudly proclaim that we have entirely more successful canine adoptions than many breeders with this same breed. Perhaps my estranged sister is completely discomfited by the excessive attention our dogs obtain by complete strangers? I wish I could sit here and say to you that the negative publicity being put out over the internet regarding me as a person and my Goldendoodle business by my estranged sister...her family members and her gaggle fuck of followers would end soon. I wish I could tell you otherwise. But if I did, it would be a lie. My estranged sister continues to post under multiple fake user names, pretending to be various "wronged" customers when that just isn't the truth whatsoever. She continues to proclaim she is a "victim of harassment" at my finger tips when that is so far from the truth it is laughable at best. Perhaps her behaviour would ruffle the feathers of someone who isn't confident. She chose the wrong person to target.

I am not afraid of exposing people for who they are and of speaking the truth. After all, I am entitled to write about dogs....anything that comes to mind. My father always told me, regarding bullies, "You don't run from them. You don't hide from them. You stand up for yourself and you stand your ground to face them." He further told me, "You were born a fighter. You will die a fighter." Any time my Goldendoodles make a public appearance, all eyes swivel in their direction. My retinue of pages of blogs and articles will continue to sit on one side while the naysayers sit on the other. They can train their eyes with opera glasses to follow my glossy head. I vowed as a teenager to not make the same mistake my parents made and that was to live a life of dysfunction. If my estranged family members can not rise above the dysfunction they grew up in, then it is their own personal problem. My Goldendoodles are irresistible, so the more mass hysteria the naysayers can promote, the more they feel they can downplay these adorable dogs that we create!

My Goldendoodles and my Goldendoodle dogs are my legacy. This can not be denied. It doesn't matter the comical shortage of cash my business is lacking caused by my estranged sister's outlandish internet nonsense or how long her seriel snubbings continue. I have a gift of giving to the media continued popular Goldendoodle articles and blogs. My values are humanitarian. My values are of giving and not of taking. My estranged family members values are material. My Goldendoodles will continue to gain the admiration of complete strangers. Against the background of a life riddled with dysfunction, I am a survivor. I have made it a point to distance myself from estranged family members and for good reason. I continue to remain focused on my dogs and the life that I have chosen to build for myself.

I was reminded by my brother that I began my dog business many years ago and that I've spent years dedicating myself to something I love. There is no way I would ever allow a delusional, dysfunctional, out of touch with reality type of person to over shadow the greatness of my dogs and a business I built from the ground up, by myself. It would not surprise me if my estranged sister scored an alarming high number on a test to see if she is suffering from a mental illness. She had once claimed in a posting that I was diagnosed with schizophrenia as a young child. I have asked her to produce the name of the supposed doctor who made this diagnosis and to explain how I've been able to function as a very normal human being all of these years, if this were true? I'd love to have it explained to me how I was trusted as an active duty enlisted soldier who carried an M16 with live amunition, if it were true I was schizophrenic??? My life has included marriage, children, career changes, stress, change in living conditions, change in countries, change in work responsibilities, achievements, accomplishments, school, change in residence, change in family, change in activities and yet....I've come out unscathed. It's a freakin' miracle!
Sure I've had tantrums. Sure I've yelled. Sure I've been hostile. But I've also been happy. I've been funny. I've cried. I've loved. I've done all the things that many normal human beings do. I actually have a very bubbly personality and a fondness for laughing. I am enthusiastic about things and I do not sit around feeling sorry for myself. If I don't like something, I change it. If I don't like what I see in the mirror.....I'm not going to become depressed over it! I'm going to do what has to be done to change what it is I don't like about the person staring me back in the mirror! I am not terrified of the general public. I thrive around people and I love meeting new people and I could talk for hours to people I do not even know, about shared interests. It seems to me that my estranged sister who continues to this day to attack me as a person and my business over the internet, needs constant reassurance and validation as a person. She's so paranoid about ownership of material things that she feels the need to "copyright" protect family photos that she never even took! Family photos taken when she was a mere child and given to not just her, but to all of the family members, by our parents...the true owners of the very photos she is placing fake copyright protection notices on. It's absurd at best!
Although it appears this blog is about explaining and complaining, I assure it isn't. My purpose is to introduce myself as a person. Then as a dog breeder. If you follow my blogs and articles long enough, you will walk away feeling as if you know me and of course, then, my blogs have served their purpose.

Creative Commons License
Introduction: Dee Gerrish by Dee Gerrish is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at